NAME: A Sanvith ROLL NO: 09 Unit 2 admission: INTRODUCTION: A 65 year old male came to casualty with complaints of vomitings and pain abdomen since one day. CHEIF COMPLAINTS: Patient was apparently asymptomatic one day ago and he had before day food, followed by vomitings of 10 episodes bilious non projectile, food as content. He developed Pain abdomen around umbilicus squeezing type radiating to lower abdomen no aggravating or no relieving factors. HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS: COVID 19 PNEUMONIA, No covid vaccine taken. Patient attender started observing pedal edema and abdominal distension since one month , not associated with chest pain palpitations ,shortness of breath and increased urine output. PERSONAL HISTORY: known case of alcohol since 20 years O/E: VITALS: TEMPERATURE AFEBRILE pulse rate: 96 BPM respiratory rate: 14 CPM BP :200/90 mm Hg, spo2 98% at Room air. Grbs 190mg % CVS S1 S2 HEARD RS ...